we build highly effective product engineering teams

what you get with Rebbix is your dedicated product engineering team

It functions just like your in-house team and shares your goals and vision, only does that from our office and with our full operational support. It also has every role necessary to make decisions autonomously and deliver fast.

Our teams work best as single product engineering units, with goals such as growing an MVP towards product-market-fit, scaling technically and product-wise, or acting as R&D teams within larger companies building product MVPs or pivoting.

why Rebbix teams are effective:

engineering management

our strong engineering managers ensure the perfect blend of product, people, and tech for every team

our strong engineering managers ensure the perfect blend of product, people, and tech for every team

engineering management

industry focus

we have a track record in building successful online marketplaces and travel products

we have a track record in building successful online marketplaces and travel products

industry focus


we engage only senior specialists with years’ worth of product-building experience

we engage only senior specialists with years’ worth of product-building experience



all our teams are co-located, which enables efficient collaboration and organic knowledge-sharing

all our teams are co-located, which enables efficient collaboration and organic knowledge-sharing


results-oriented culture

our company culture prioritizes delivering outcomes over completing projects

our company culture prioritizes delivering outcomes over completing projects

results-oriented culture

key outcomes we’ve helped clients achieve



increase in the number of transactions for OLX.ua

view case study


monthly users and product-market-fit for Fixly.pl

view case study



system uptime for Dreamlines.de

view case study



reduction of cross-data center bandwidth for Mozilla.org

view case study

If you are looking for goal oriented, highly effective engineering teams not afraid of a fast paced environment and just awesome people to work with, Rebbix is the right partner for you.

Marina Mielczarek

Senior Product Manager at Fixly (OLX Group)


here are some of the teams we’ve built

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Team setup:


Frontend Engineer 




Backend Engineer


UX Designer 




Team Lead 

cutting duplicate ads to boost UX for Poland’s top real estate portal

Explore how Rebbix accelerated ad moderation with intuitive UI solutions.

book a free consultation

Set up a quick call with Taras Kunch, Rebbix's Chief Technology Officer, to discuss the challenges you're facing and get a timeline and budget estimates.

book a 30-min Calendly call

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